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Peach Duet Gift Box



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  • (5-6) White Peaches
  • (5-6) Yellow Peaches

Net Weight Approx. 4.5-5 lbs.

Ripening Information: Peaches can be ripened by leaving uncovered at room temperature for one to two days. To ripen quickly, leave fruit in a sunny area. Once ripe, store fruit in the refrigerator for up to a few days.

Why it's loved:
The world's oldest cultivated fruit, luscious, juicy peaches have long delighted just about everyone.

How to serve it:
For snacking, baking, with cereal. Try them with croissants for breakfast or ice cream for dessert.

Makes a great gift for:
Know someone who can't decide whether they love white or yellow peaches the most? Drive them delightfully crazy with one sweet gift.

Fruit, Ice Cream Truffles, Hickory Farms Reserve Cheeses, and HoneyGold® Ham: To ensure that it arrives in perfect condition, we will ship your gifts Monday - Thursday for delivery within the same week. Saturday - Monday delivery is not available for this item.